Monday, October 31, 2011

Pet Rat On Window Sill

Oreo, my pet rattie.


Nancy Ferdinand said...

Is the window sill Oreo’s regular hangout place? I think he likes the warmth he gets from the sunlight that enters through the window. Cute! However, letting our pets roam freely around the house entails us more responsibility in house maintenance. Just regularly check your windows for some fresh gnawing on the wood to avoid leaks. ;)

Matthew Fels said...

Yes, u are so right...I eventually saw some gnawing...she was just on the window sill above her cage. I don't let my ratties run wife would kill me.

Leah Clay said...

You have a pet rat? Wow! What’s she doing in your window? Is she trying to sneak outside? Anyway, take care of Oreo.

Lenore Rushford said...

Having a pet rat sounds cool! Of all places, why is she hanging out by the window? Is she waiting for another rat? By the way, how many rats do you have?